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Alcohol Ink On Canvas - 8 x 10

Vivid brushstrokes capture a dynamic sky ablaze with hues of pink, orange, and blue, while the underlaid landscape is painted in dark contrasts. The blend of colors gives an impression of a sunset reflecting on water, adding a serene yet dramatic quality to the scene.

Sealed to prevent smudging, fading, and damage from UB light. Alcohol ink art should never be hung in direct sunlight.

Artwork is finished with archival grade spray varnish. and is sealed to prevent smudging, fading, and damage from UB light.

Please Note:

Alcohol ink art should never be hung in direct sunlight. None of my paintings have faded over the years and this is due to making sure they were never exposed to direct light.

You will receive a certificate of authenticity stating this piece is a one-of-a-kind original painting with my signature and date.

*All photos of my art are shot with a high quality camera in natural light to represent the artwork as accurately as possible. 

Only shipping in the US. 5:00 for shipping.

Thank you.

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Alcohol Ink On Canvas - 8 x 10

Vivid brushstrokes capture a dynamic sky ablaze with hues of pink, orange, and blue, while the underlaid landscape is painted in dark contrasts. The blend of colors gives an impression of a sunset reflecting on water, adding a serene yet dramatic quality to the scene.

Sealed to prevent smudging, fading, and damage from UB light. Alcohol ink art should never be hung in direct sunlight.

Artwork is finished with archival grade spray varnish. and is sealed to prevent smudging, fading, and damage from UB light.

Please Note:

Alcohol ink art should never be hung in direct sunlight. None of my paintings have faded over the years and this is due to making sure they were never exposed to direct light.

You will receive a certificate of authenticity stating this piece is a one-of-a-kind original painting with my signature and date.

*All photos of my art are shot with a high quality camera in natural light to represent the artwork as accurately as possible. 

Only shipping in the US. 5:00 for shipping.

Thank you.

Alcohol Ink On Canvas - 8 x 10

Vivid brushstrokes capture a dynamic sky ablaze with hues of pink, orange, and blue, while the underlaid landscape is painted in dark contrasts. The blend of colors gives an impression of a sunset reflecting on water, adding a serene yet dramatic quality to the scene.

Sealed to prevent smudging, fading, and damage from UB light. Alcohol ink art should never be hung in direct sunlight.

Artwork is finished with archival grade spray varnish. and is sealed to prevent smudging, fading, and damage from UB light.

Please Note:

Alcohol ink art should never be hung in direct sunlight. None of my paintings have faded over the years and this is due to making sure they were never exposed to direct light.

You will receive a certificate of authenticity stating this piece is a one-of-a-kind original painting with my signature and date.

*All photos of my art are shot with a high quality camera in natural light to represent the artwork as accurately as possible. 

Only shipping in the US. 5:00 for shipping.

Thank you.